Monday, December 20, 2010

Death of Consumers

An up to date definition of consumer is a group of people or an individual that only consumes, one that does not produce. That is not what most intellectuals mean by a consumer, the original idea of a consumer was to make consumption to all that can be produced by full production by motivating what it requires beyond real needs. A consumer must keep away from satisfying demand, because if people already had what they want they would not keep consuming enough to provide full production. Management has no place in a consumer and it will consume only what is display in the market. The idea of using increased durability to safeguard would be a radical innovation in a consumer. If consumption means "use-up" then we could say that our wealth is in the order of all that we ever acquired not as much as all that we ever consumed. The two meanings of consumption are mere use or final devastation, are more often than not blurred in academic or in a major research. The development of consumer societies meant the erosion of traditional values and attitudes of thrift and prudence. Expanding consumption was necessary to create markets for the fruits of rising production. Ironically this "required the nurture of qualities like wastefulness, self-indulgence, and artificial obsolescence, which directly negated or undermined the values of efficiency" and the Protestant Ethic that had originally nurtured capitalism. Later than the industrial revolution, the aged value of thriftiness still limited consumption to what was in actual fact essential. With that low level of consumption the automation of production created unemployment. We chose to make well that unemployment by replacing grandpa's thriftiness. They feared that the frugal habits maintained by most families especially in America would be easier said than done to break. “Perhaps even more threatening was the fact that the industrial capacity for turning out goods seemed to be increasing at a pace greater than people's sense that they needed them. With consumer waste. Full employment requires that we consume all that full employment can produce, even if that's more than we want or need.”

Advertisers sought to redefine people's needs, encourage their wants and offer solutions to them via goods produced by corporations rather than allowing people to identify and solve their own problems, or to look to each other for solutions. Research in the field of consumption and environment has grown rapidly since the middle of the 1990s, and also in ecological economics, consumption issues have featured more prominently on the agenda. This overview1 outlines the background and the characteristics of the new wave with a specific focus on ecological economic contributions. First, the roots in environmental research are described, and the breakthrough for the interest in consumption. Then the specific motivation for dealing with consumption in ecological economics is presented, followed by an exposition of the main research questions related to ecological economic research on consumption. As a final point, a few words are added on the development of consumption research in general, as this is important to understand the research taking place at the point of meeting point between consumption and environment. The concluding comment emphasizes that the intersecting field is still in its infancy.

Consumerism also played a major role in legitimizing a social system which rewards businessmen and top commercial executives with incomes a lot of times those of ordinary workers. The consumer society gives ordinary workers some access to the good life. Surrounded by the bounty of their work-the television set, stereo, car, computer, white goods - they are less likely to question conditions of their work, the way it dominates their life, and the lack of power they have as workers. Advertisers all the time tell them these are the fruits of success, that this is what life is all about. To question a system that delivers such plenty would seem headstrong. The world was changed by Technology on a day after day basis. How people be in touch with each other has changed and how they expect companies to communicate with them is changing. Without a doubt, the marketplace has without a doubt moved beyond traditional marketing techniques and tactics into a new world of consumer fragmentation, channel and availability expansion, and increasing disparagement and control from consumers. Marketers are attempting to respond to the new world and with increased spending in opposition to digital and point of sale. In fact, billions of dollars was spent for online marketing in 2007. This number is projected to increase to a larger amount by 2010 maybe twice. But more money is not the answer but by the customization of the consumer. The real question marketers should consider is “In a fast moving, fragmented world, how can brands reach and engage customers to encourage brand choice and the Holy Grail, brand loyalty?” at this point, we try to answer this question by cutting from side to side the hype with practical insights for marketers. While it is easy to think that everyone is paying incredibly close attention to our categories and brands at all times and hanging on our every word, the reality is that the humans are busy and have much better things to do. In fact, one of the essential purposes of memory is to allow people to forget and to only call up the information from storage when needed. The way information is stored and recalled by the brain is essentially through “networks” of neurons working together. These “neural networks” are clustering tools that create associations of things linked together in our memories. So, when we call up a piece of information about something, we call up everything about it – the entire network of associations, emotions, thoughts and images that are all connected together in our brains. Interestingly, research has shown that the imagery that surrounds words and their meaning is more important than the words themselves. You can see this in action – successful brands evoke valuable meaning through associated images, metaphors, myths and legends. There’s no ‘single message’ that goes with a brand.

In olden times, advertising theory was dominated by the very linear A-I-D-A model that is Attention Interest Desire Action. This theory was based on the observation that consumers first think, then feel, then do. In this model, advertisement claims were pushed on consumers with highly cognitive messages. It was believed that if you could get people to think about your brand in a certain way, they would feel differently and respond for that reason. Recent thinking across a wide range of disciplines has changed this theory. We now understand that emotion is actually the first filter that decides if we are going to pay attention. In fact, emotion plays a role not only in our unconscious, but also shapes our conscious thoughts about brands, products and services. The importance of emotion in advertising and brand stimulus cannot be overstated. The other implication of this is the recognition that advertising is only one part of the total view of the brand. We should not put too much value on the impact of one new ad campaign. Advertising is only one part of a holistic view of the brand. The other important part of brand communications to consider in today’s world is the role of digital communications and word of mouth. In the age of Wikipedia and user-created-content, consumers are no longer content to be “talked at” by brands and told to believe what marketers say. Increasingly, people are listening less to what companies are telling them and more to what their peers and others are telling them. Friends and family recommendations are nothing new, but the definition of “friends and family” has expanded dramatically online. Companies no longer control all the communications regarding their brand. People post comments or vides on websites, and exchange information constantly with the touch of a button. This is scary for most marketers unsure of what people will say to millions of others about their brand. So, what should marketers do? Based on the newly applied understanding of how the brain works, we can take away nine key imperatives for marketers as they find ways to connect with consumers in this new world, as well as some key questions you should ask yourself about your brand. A brand is bigger than a mere positioning statement. Communications and activations must primarily generate emotional connections and tap into the full associations that consumers have for brands. This must happen not just with words, but with visuals, storytelling and sounds as well. Do you understand the full picture of the network associations, imagery, sounds, metaphors and stories that consumers have for your brands? Is your brand connecting with consumers on an emotional level or is your relationship strictly rational? Communication development must be grounded in a well-defined target of people, and it must recognize the distinct differences in segments of people. While large, “mass” brands will have multiple target segments, it is critical that specific communications be designed to connect with a defined set of people. Down the middle for lots of different people won’t work anymore. Who are the people that you are trying to reach? Do you fully understand all of your consumers groups – as people, not “target markets?” The point of decision is a critical time to tap into and trigger consumer memories and brand associations in order to impact behavior. How is your brand tapping into the storage bin of associations about it at the point of purchase? If every new communication conjures up the entire network of associations of the brand, what are you doing to ensure that happens at the moment of choice when it’s most relevant? Embracing the digital world means acknowledging that you no longer 100% control the dialogue with consumers. However, it is possible to engage people in your brand and make it easy for them to co-create and transmit to others. Word of Mouth is a critical component of the brand communications plan and must reflect and expand the brand message.

How are you building word-of-mouth into your brand communications in a way that reflects and expands the brand’s message? How are you engaging communities with your brand and empowering co-creation with your loyal fans? The only way to develop expertise is to experiment and learn from successes and failures. Many of the new approaches are beyond the comfort zone of most marketers, but the only way to get more comfortable is to get out there and acts like an insurgent. However, just because this is new, doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be measured. New metrics are being put in place, and it’s up to the marketers to continue to push them. How are you building in experimentation to learn and build for the future? There are no best practices, so how are you building up expertise? What metrics are you using to determine the impact of your digital spending? We have entered a brave new world, not only in our technology but in how we market to our various audiences. To succeed, we as marketers must think like insurgents – we must not become aware of a technological advance after it happens, but as it happens. And, we must learn to look at brands from our customers’ perspectives, and recognize the importance of emotional connections to brands. We can then determine how these changes will impact our brands.

Technology-related products and services will increasingly be shaped by 12 underlying principles, or “technology values.” These values such as simplicity, efficiency, and personalization represent the characteristics that consumers will look for in products, services, and technologies over the next 10 to 15 years. This is the conclusion of a new study from the Washington, DC - based research and consulting firm Social Technologies. As Tom Conger, founder of Social Technologies, notes, “In crafting this research we didn’t want to simply look at what was possible based on a technology point of view or what was happening in the research lab. Instead, we wanted to examine what people actually need and want from future technology-related products and services based on today’s trends and change drivers. We also wanted to look at which emerging technologies were going to help fulfill these needs and desires in the future.” For instance, to remain competitive, product makers in many sectors will need to accommodate the value of “user creativity”—the growing desire and ability of millions of consumers to create, augment, or influence design and content and share these creations with their peers. Methodology, the study’s authors began by creating an inventory of roughly 150 consumer needs and desires, drawing from Social Technologies’ knowledge base of global technology and lifestyle trends, then applying a futures mapping process to extract the 12 key themes. Each theme was then individually validated and amplified through intensive research. The 12 values will have broad impacts across the public and private sectors, with consumers’ collective preferences driving the shape and direction of products and services, according to the report, which draws on more than six years of company research into emerging technologies and changes in global consumer lifestyles. Companies will need to embrace these principles in product design and marketing and understand the emerging technologies that will be needed to support these values if they hope to align with consumer needs and desires now and in the future.

In decades past, as long as the energy flowed when and where required, residential and small commercial customers were satisfied with leaving all the decisions about their energy supply to their trusted providers, even if they were unhappy with the bill. But times have changed. Growing reliability concerns, fear for the environment’s future, and ever higher energy bills have some consumers wanting to manage more of their energy supply decisions themselves. If utilities and regulators allow them to be more active participants, these customers are willing to shoulder more responsibility.
User creativity. Consumers increasingly want to create, augment, or influence design and content, and share these creations with their peers. Supporting user creativity will be increasingly important to consumer technology, and will become more mainstream in coming decades. Personalization. Consumers will increasingly look for products and services that align with their specific personal needs and preferences—whether in the aesthetics of a product or in its functional design. More goods will be created to match individuals’ unique specifications. Simplicity. Simplicity will have growing value for consumers confronted with information overload, time stress, and technological complexity. Simplicity’s influence is already evident in new, stripped-down devices that offer just a few functions, as well as in minimalist interfaces that conceal breathtaking complexity. The common denominator of all these efforts is that they are human-centered—and thus easy to learn and integrate into busy lives. Assistance. As consumers are bombarded with more tasks, choices, and information, and as demographic changes such as aging reshape consumer markets, they are looking to assistive technologies for help. Consumers will seek to bolster and extend their natural abilities—with technologies ranging from pharmaceuticals that enhance mental performance to robot aides for the elderly. Appropriateness. Products and services will need to embrace the principle of appropriateness to ensure that they are suitably designed for users with varying physical needs, resources, cultural characteristics, literacy levels, etc. Appropriateness will aid in the spread of technology products and services to new markets and to diverse user segments. Convenience. Already well-established in mature markets, demand for convenience will rise as a technology value for consumers all over the world. Consumers will look for technological products and services that give them what they want and need on demand and that reduce effort and relieve time pressure. Connectedness. Connectedness gives consumers what they want, when they want it, and will grow exponentially with the expanding global information infrastructure. Consumers will look for products and services that seamlessly integrate with this global network. Efficiency. Efficiency is the ratio of output to input—or, put simply, the ability to do more with less. It will become more important to technology as consumers search for products and services that let them manage emerging resource uncertainties, rising costs, and other pressures. Intelligence. Intelligence will be enabled by innovations that increasingly shift information and decision-making burdens from the user to the device or service. The demand for greater intelligence will come in response to factors including complexity, aging, and the desire for personalized experiences. Protection. Protection will be sought by consumers in a world that feels increasingly insecure. Consumers will look for technology-enabled products and services that strengthen their sense of personal security and protect their families, homes, wealth, and privacy. Health. Consumers will look to technological products and services to maintain and, increasingly, improve their health and wellness. The search for health-enabling solutions will extend beyond traditional health and medical products and services to include more of the things consumers use in their everyday lives, whether at home, work, or play. Sustainability. Consumers will increasingly look for products and services that embrace sustainability—reducing the “human footprint” on the environment while maintaining quality of life. A variety of technologies offer ways to minimize resource use, waste, and pollution while improving human welfare.

And because of the innovation of technology and its influence to the older consumer and now emerged as prosumer. The concept of a prosumer is a late 20th century idea that combines some of the common characteristics of a professional and a consumer. The term is generally applied to situations where consumers are considered to have reached a level of sophistication that the professional-consumer can effectively dictate the perimeters for the production of goods and services in terms of quality and structure. The difference between the garden variety consumer and the prosumer is that the latter typically possesses such a strong working knowledge with the product that he or she can successfully determine and perhaps even design a better product offering. Prosumers are now common in many fields that were once the sole province of professionals. One of the areas where the prosumer has gained a high degree of visibility is in the home improvement industry. A number of household tasks, such as the installation of ductwork, plumbing, wallpaper hanging, and installing major appliances, are now done by many homeowners. In times past, these were all functions that were considered to be the work of professionals, with only the occasional amateur attempting this sort of high profile work. Cooking is another area where amateurs have become more proficient. As a result, prosumers now bridge the gap between people who prepare simple meals for the household and persons who are trained as professional chefs. One of the avenues that allow amateurs to expand the level of culinary education is cable television. Since the medium became widely available in the late 1970’s, many people have become exposed to the preparation of cuisine that was usually available only in upscale restaurants. The result has been the creation of a large audience of prosumer enthusiasts that delight in expanding their culinary skills, without necessarily planning on making a living in the industry. The combination of affordable computer technology and the Internet have also made it possible for the prosumer to assume a place in the world of publishing. Thanks to software programs and high quality printing materials and equipment, the prosumer can now produce hard copy and electronic magazines on a favorite hobby or interest. Desktop publishing also allows these highly skilled amateurs to produce high quality greeting cards, promotional brochures, and a wide range of published material. Even fledgling writers can be classified as prosumers, simply by using current technology to product an electronic book for distribution. The prosumer can also be associated with a number of other fields as well. Photography, interior decorating, and even the beverage industry have a number of people who qualify as prosumers. As technology continues to evolve, there is no doubt that the prosumer phenomenon will continue to grow. And as the end of our discussion, Dr. Randy Gamboa posed a challenge to us, for as a student of Information Technology, it is our goal to change prosumer to another level.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Trends, Opportunity, and Convergence

Convergence could persuade consumers to accept new technologies. While trends are the pattern of gradual change in a condition, output, or process, or an run of the mill or general tendency of a series of data points to move in a certain bearing over time, represented by a line or curve on a graph. And one morning in our Technoprenuership 2 class we had discussed about trends and opportunities in convergence that change the whole wide world.
In the past, for illustration, each entertainment medium had to be played on a precise device. Video was played on a television by using a video player of some type, music was played on a tape deck or compact disc player, radio was played on an AM and FM tuner, and video games were played from beginning to end a console of some sort. in the same way, different communication media used their own technologies. Voice chat was carried on using a telephone, video communication briefly used high-end video phones, facsimile copies used fax machines, and e-mail used a computer.

The Internet is conceivably the most prevalent example of technological convergence. Practically all entertainment technologies – from radio to television to video to books to games – can be viewed and played online, often with greater functionality than they have in their most important technology. Communications technologies, as well, can be used, with the Internet replacing fax machines, telephones, video phones, and the postal service. While technological convergence gives consumers the ease of having many devices all in one, saving on both size and cost, there is an original tradeoff in quality. When technological convergence first gives birth to a new multi-technology, the a variety of technologies it is comprised of are more often than not at a to some extent lower standard than independent devices. more often than not within a year or two, however, this unlike quality is reduced to a almost unnoticeable level.

Global megatrends are overarching global forces that stem from the past, are shaped in present and will transform the future. These forces impact developments in various areas such as our geo-political, social, cultural, economic and technological surroundings, and they influence consumers' lives across countries, industries, social classes and age groups. While megatrends are neither mutually exclusive nor completely exhaustive in terms of explaining future realities, they provide authoritative insights into how companies can prepare for the future. Progressive corporations use systematic analysis of megatrends to build and improve market scenarios, and develop strategies that help them anticipating and leveraging future business opportunities. The capability to comprehend megatrends can make all the divergence between taking advantage of new business opportunities as they arise, and chasing competitors for next best, often times short-term ideas. Technological convergence is the trend of technologies to come together into new technologies that bring together a countless of media. While in times gone by, technology handled one medium or accomplished one or two tasks, through technological convergence, devices are now able to present and interact with a ample array of media.

Technological convergence also leads to devices that are designed purposely to substitute a number of dissimilar devices. The Apple iPod, for example, while firstly conceived of as a portable music player, is now touted equally as a moveable video player, photo album, and radio tuner. Cell phones, as well, have moved far beyond their beginnings as simple voice announcement devices and now offer the functionality of personal music players, digital cameras, and text messenger systems as well. Technological convergence in the last few years has resulted in devices that not only interact with the media they are primarily designed to handle, but also with a number of other formats. For case in point, the XBox video game console has as its most important purpose the playing of console games, but it is also capable to play back video and music and to connect to the Internet. In the same way, most modern DVD players are able not only of playing DVDs, but also of playing music CDs, playing encoded video in formats such as DIVX or VCD, and playing DVD music, displaying photos from photo CDs.

In times gone by the revolution in the Agricultural era this is the science, art, and business of cultivating soil, producing crops, and raising livestock.. The demand for biofuel feedstock fundamentally increase the amount of crop dry substance required to make happy both its established use and new demand. on the whole adjusting the allocation of crop biomass among competing demands will not provide somewhere to stay enough feedstock to achieve renewable goals. A new energy strategy must include maximizing the capture and use of light and CO2 available on arable land and then increase the efficiency of input use of dry matter. Effective policies and educational efforts will stimulate rapid adoption of current agronomic technologies to expand the productivity and efficient input use. In order to advance agro-ecosystem production beyond that achievable with existing practices, new knowledge, new systems, and new genetic resources must be created, and incentives for continued discovery must be provided. The decrease of petroleum supply and the concerns regarding global warming have generated a new world view regarding energy demand. The replacement of the fossil energy system for new cheap to run and environmental sustainable strategies is growing especially in what regards the more expensive traditional energy sources. More than a few government agencies and working groups have been planning the lessen of fossil fuels consumption in the short term and substituting them for renewable energy.

The widespread trend has been the stable development each year of the cost - performance of computer systems, based on enhancements in their essential technologies and gears. At the same time the concentration of on the go components has also greater than before at a firm rate, such that memory and disk sizes of a given put together twice over every few years. In a most important study of the leading company, determined that information technology was noticeably diverse from all other major item for consumption types, since over a ten more years period it showed a twenty five fold over enhancement of the relative prices of technology and labor compared to a 1.4 fold step up for the next six most ready for accomplishment technologies. This fundamental trend in technology development has been plotted and unsurprising from the near the start of 1960s, and despite the fact that specific technologies have changed that is the replacement of semiconductor memory in place of magnetic cores, the primary trend seems to be laid down for at smallest amount the next ten years resulting in computer systems of a precise performance keep on to decrease in price, still increasing computational performance in a given sized wrap up, ever increasing capacities of on line storeroom, greater than ever functionality in fundamental systems example like imaging, graphics, and shorter product life cycles. In excess of time computers have become all the time more has been affordable, making them easy to get more and more people and repeatedly increasing the variety of applications that are cost effective to computerize the entities that is concerned. In addition, some way of expressing this adjustment is to think about the primary users and role of computers at different times. I will elaborate some of the changes over time like in 1960s for the most part used for science especially in heavy computation and accounting functions that is recurring data processing. The large main frame computers needing out of the ordinary environments in operating in batch mode. Also in 1970s the emergence of mini - computers are very welcoming. The proliferation into departments for specific functions example manufacturing management. The time sharing with several terminals per system became so handy for individuals but terminals only is to be having to a small fraction of the work force. On the other hand, in 1980s the coming out of personal computer and communications has been the turning point of all times. Terminals surrounded by get in touch with a large amount of employees. Applications extended to a lot of office functions, including budgeting and analysis like spreadsheets, word processing and latterly electronic mail and database. Increasing self - determination off main-stream computing from a central Information System management group. And in 1990s the increasing combination of dissimilar departmental computer systems or unified systems. Applications now extend between departments and even among organizations. Multiple networks turn out to be interconnected. Portable computers as well as computers at home. Applications to be presented for virtually for every business purposes.
For some other point of view, that the focus of Information Technology has transformed from the computation such like data processing to communication such in information handling with an ongoing shift towards cognition: the computer support for knowledge work. More tools are emerging and becoming more techy that can aid thinking and understanding, the organizing and giving out of information and the development of knowledge that is via computer conferencing, systems modeling or flow chart. At the side of the trends in systems have been related trends in architectures and software and multimedia. There have been persistent improvements in simplifying the stage at which computers are programmed and of offering more functionality and features. Thus an end users in the present days are using Macros in a spread sheet language like Excel, that is doing high level programming that carries out statistical functions and exploits the graphics and real - time facilities of the computer. The assortment of functional subsystems just like storage that has led to a separation of the different functionality taken as a whole system and following development of architectures. These endow with a consistent way for the different functional elements to activate with each other. The conception of system has now extended to a greater network and broadcasting area from area, so that architectures now take account of clients the users PC and host servers for databases, printers, communications and lot more that be in touch in standardized ways. Computer trends have also led to changes in the roles of users and Information Technology specialists, with significant changes in the role of the MIS function. From controlling most computing in an organisation for two decades, the MIS departments lost much of their power to business units and departments in the last few years. Those MIS departments that stay behind and having not been outsourced, are very much consultants, service providers and enablers to the businesses. Whereas the dominant MIS issues in the near the beginning in 1980s related to technology for instances like software productivity, at the present similar surveys give you an idea about that partnership with the business, and the strategic influence of Information Technology now top the list. One other continuing trend is the shift of value in an overall system from hardware to software and at this moment to services and especially in project and consulting services that lend a hand to users that gain the maximum advantage from their Information Technology venture. A prime problem facing Information Technology professionals is running and monitoring their collected works of resources with multiple vendor, specific and disparate tools, which keeps Information Technologies in operational costs high and the ability to computerize tasks not possible. To put off business growth from devolving into Information Technology disorder, administrators require a single, consolidated system they can trust and rely on. For example the Dorado Software Redcell OpsCenter is an allpurpose management system designed to combine Information Technology resource management of different vendor, vast technology environments. Redcell OpsCenter add to good organization and productivity while reducing administration costs from beginning to end the automation of key ready tasks and intellectual monitoring of services and devices and in a long-established and virtualized multi environment that includes various computer devices. OpsCenter provides functions such as automated device, link, and service discovery; CMDB inventory; health and performance monitoring; free-form configuration task execution; and reporting. As quoted from the source.

Now for me and my follow technoprenuer the challenge is to us in how can we use the trends and the convergences of time.,,sid9_gci211837,00.html

Monday, December 6, 2010

Make Meaning, Business

One morning in our Technoprenuership 2 we had watched a talk from Guy Kawasaki about starting up a company. Guy Kawasaki, founder and Managing Director of Garage Technology Ventures, and has spoken to Stanford University students in October, 2004. In his speech he stressed that believes that those companies who set out to make a positive change in the world are the companies that will in due course be the most flourishing. Kawasaki gives examples of the most excellent way to make meaning is to increase quality of life, right a wrong, and prevent the end of something good.
Guy is a managing director of Garage Technology Ventures, an early-stage venture capital firm and a columnist for Entrepreneur Magazine. Until that time, he was an employee at Apple Computer, Inc. Guy is the writer of 9 books including Reality Check, The Art of the Start, Rules for Revolutionaries, How to Drive Your Competition Crazy, Selling the Dream, and The Macintosh Way. He graduated with BA from Stanford University and an MBA from UCLA as fine as an honorary doctorate from Babson College. He was born in Honolulu, Hawaii in 1954. His family lived in a dangerous part of Honolulu called Kalihi Valley. They were not rich, but he never felt poor for the reason that his mother and father made a lot of sacrifices for my sister and Guy. His mother was a housewife, and my father was, at a range of times, a fireman, real estate broker, state senator, and government official.He attended Iolani School where he graduated in 1972. Iolani is not as well known as its competitor, Punahou, but he got a unlikely and influential education there. After Iolani, he matriculated to Stanford University where he graduated in 1976. His major was psychology which was the easiest major he could find.

The fact is, it is without a solution to answer questions in advance, and they at the end of the day serve no point. On the one hand, speak and boldness are cheap and sometimes nonsense. Saying that you're willing to do somewhat doesn't mean that you will do it. On the other hand, realizing that you have hesitation and nervousness doesn't stand for, you won't put up a great organization. How you respond to those questions, now has little prognostic power regarding what you'll in point of fact do when you get caught up in a great suggestion.

In truth, is that no one really knows if he who is a technopreneur until he becomes one and experience in this field or sometimes not even then. There, in actuality is only one question you should ask yourself before starting any new venture and that is in to make meaning in your company. Certainly, the Meaning I am talking about is not about money, power, or prestige. It is not even on the subject of creating a fun place to work and be satisfied. In the middle of the meanings of "meaning" are to make the world a better place, increase the quality of life, right a terrible wrong, consider all other people and prevent the end of something good.

And also he tackled concerning goals in the company such as these are a remarkable benefit as the company takes a trip down to the easier said than done path ahead. If the company answers this question in the negative way, the company may still be successful, but it will be harder to become so for the reason that making meaning is the most powerful motivator there is and a must have. It was studied by Guy for twenty years to come to this understanding. In 1983, when Guy started in the Macintosh Division of Apple Computer, beating IBM was their reason for existence and driving force. They wanted to send IBM back to the typewriter industry holding its Selectric typewriter balls. In 1987, their reason for way of life became beating Windows and Microsoft. They wanted to defeat Microsoft and force Bill Gates to get a job flipping fish at the Pike Place Market. While 2004, he was a managing director in an early stage venture capital firm called Garage Technology Ventures. He wanted to facilitate people to create great products, build great companies, and change the world.

Another of his rules of thumb: "niche thyself." You want to sell those products for which there is a very high value to the customer and for which you have an ability to provide a unique product or service. An example of a product with low value to the customer and which is not unique? The dot-com (or dot-bomb) companies such as the many pet food sellers (the problem being "dog food weighs a lot!"), he said. Another key point is to listen to your customers, even if they don't behave the way you'd expect. For example, the maker of Brillo pads started out selling pots and pans to housewives, and offered the free brillo pad as a free bonus. He later found there was stronger demand for the pads than the pans, and voila, a successful brand was born. "People buying your products are not, many times, your anticipated customers," said Guy.

Aside from Kawasaki’s objective for his readers to make meaning, his goal in this book is for an entrepreneur with a great idea to take this advice and get started. If the title of the book wasn’t evidence enough, Kawasaki advocates starting as the first and most critical step. Too much time is wasted setting up, and not doing, so this book is the catalyst that will cause technopreneurs who are stuck on the starting line to as a final point enter the race.

The causation of great organizations is the longing to make meaning. Having that longing does not promise that you will be successful, but it does denote that if you fail, at least you failed doing something meaningful. I close your eyes and think about how I could serve my clients and customers. What type of meaning do we see in our organization making? For the most part people refer to this as the question or a mission statement of an organization. Crafting a mission statement is more often than not one of the first steps technopreneurs embark on. Sorry to say, this progression is as a rule a sore and frustrating occurrence that results in incomparable weakness. This is a just about to be anticipated when a large number of people are commissioned to craft something designed to make an even larger number of people like employees, shareholders, customers, clients and partners be happy. The original fault of the largest part of mission statements is that everyone expects them to be pretentious and all-encompassing. The result is a lengthy, boring, commonplace, and pointless shaggy dog story. In The Mission Statement Book, Jeffrey Abrams provides more than 300 examples of mission statements that lay bare that companies are all writing the same middle-of-the-road stuff.

What a grand thing to have a tune, in how a lot of mission statements call to mind such power and emotion. The beauty of a having a tune is that everybody will expect it to be undersized and yet sweet. You may never have to write your tune down, make public it in your yearly report, or print it on posters. Without a doubt, if you do have to "enforce" your tune in these customs, it is not the right tune that we have. Kawasaki wrote in a down to earth tone, with an position of “let’s stop thinking about the foolishness and talk about what actually works.” Kawasaki describes his own writing style as cutting through the theories, and getting down to authentic world tactics. The information is portrayed as though it is coming from a friend who wishes to see you get the better of the world. Contrast that to a multitude of “how-to” guides written with business lingo from a clever person who’s talking down to you. For all intents and purposes what Guy is trying to get from corner to corner is that to start something and stay dedicated to what on earth you are starting it must mean something, in particular it must having meaning to the betterment of the world. Your dedication should not come from money, or squashing the competition, it should come from making the world a better place and if you strive to do that you will have a meaning to keep you focused. Every start-up business should establish their position in the market. This position is self assumed, motivated by the same “meaning” from number 1 of the art of starting. Your position should clearly state the following: why the founders started the organization, why customers should support it, and why good people should work at it. The chapter is broken down into eight key points and steps to be taken for establishing your company’s position amongst the rivalry and communicating your position to the market.
Compare the Starbucks tune, which is "Rewarding everyday moments," to the company's mission statement, "Establish Starbucks as the premier purveyor of the finest coffee in the world while maintaining our uncompromising principles while we grow." So they choose the most memorable. Imagine that someone asks your parents or your organization's receptionist what you do. Can it get any better than a three-word tune such as "Authentic athletic performance"?

A final thought on making tunes in the company: Do not perplex tunes and tag lines. Make your tune for your employees; it is a principle for what they do in their jobs and most of all in your own job. A tag line is for your customers and it is a principle for how to use your product or service. For example, Nike's tune is "Authentic athletic performance." Its tag line is "Just do it."
On a pure meaning v. money debate, I personally choose meaning, with qualifications--the money must be of a certain level to enable meaning to win the prize. But this will always be a question of nuance more than absolutes--overpay someone wildly and they will probably make the "mistake" of choosing too much dough. Yes, meaning is the impetus, but money only becomes an issue after the employee has entrusted the company to continue delivering meaning. If that trust is rebuffed or broken, then no amount of money will resolve the issue. This is what the insight discovery process is all about – actively engaging with customers in an ongoing, intimate dialogue over months and years through private insight communities, so they let you into their lives and mindset – the insights, big and small, will blow you away.

Guy added two important things to be consider in the said field first is the Milestones: these are the goals that must be achieved on your road to achievement. aim dates should be set for the conclusion of these milestones and not a success to do so could doom the company. And second is Assumptions: this is a comprehensive list of major assumptions you should make about the business. These should be continuously tracked and each should be linked to a milestone so as you reach a milestone you can test an assumption. Tasks: another comprehensive list that is composed of the tasks required to design, manufacture, sell, ship, and support you product or service. These are not as crucial as the milestones, but help you understand the totality of what your company has to accomplish.
After he wrapped up his speech, Guy introduced demos of two products his company is funding: one, MyCollectibles, is a way for people to showcase their collections and also intergrate their auctions.

Fortune favors the bold, so I will try to excerpt from the giver of some advice that will make life easy for us, and yet postpone writing the mission statement. We can come up with it in a while when we are flourishing and have lots of time and money to waste. And if we are not successful, it will not matter that we did not build up one. Instead of a mission statement and all the bags that comes with it, craft a tune for your organization. The definition of tune is meaning… so make meaning. Then again Guy Kawasaki made the emphasis that If you’re into personal branding with the goal of making money, stop now. You will attract the wrong kind of people into your life. Instead, start with the goal of making meaning. What better way to align all your actions with your long-term goals. What kind of meaning will you make? Kawasaki suggests two ideas for inspiration: 1) right a wrong, or 2) prevent the end of something good. What will you do to make the world a better place?

Guy Kawasaki, Make Meaning

One morning in our Technoprenuership 2 we had watched a talk from Guy Kawasaki about starting up a company. Guy Kawasaki, founder and Managing Director of Garage Technology Ventures, and has spoken to Stanford University students in October, 2004. In his speech he stressed that believes that those companies who set out to make a positive change in the world are the companies that will in due course be the most flourishing. Kawasaki gives examples of the most excellent way to make meaning is to increase quality of life, right a wrong, and prevent the end of something good.
Guy is a managing director of Garage Technology Ventures, an early-stage venture capital firm and a columnist for Entrepreneur Magazine. Until that time, he was an employee at Apple Computer, Inc. Guy is the writer of 9 books including Reality Check, The Art of the Start, Rules for Revolutionaries, How to Drive Your Competition Crazy, Selling the Dream, and The Macintosh Way. He graduated with BA from Stanford University and an MBA from UCLA as fine as an honorary doctorate from Babson College. He was born in Honolulu, Hawaii in 1954. His family lived in a dangerous part of Honolulu called Kalihi Valley. They were not rich, but he never felt poor for the reason that his mother and father made a lot of sacrifices for my sister and Guy. His mother was a housewife, and my father was, at a range of times, a fireman, real estate broker, state senator, and government official.He attended Iolani School where he graduated in 1972. Iolani is not as well known as its competitor, Punahou, but he got a unlikely and influential education there. After Iolani, he matriculated to Stanford University where he graduated in 1976. His major was psychology which was the easiest major he could find.
The fact is, it is without a solution to answer questions in advance, and they at the end of the day serve no point. On the one hand, speak and boldness are cheap and sometimes nonsense. Saying that you're willing to do somewhat doesn't mean that you will do it. On the other hand, realizing that you have hesitation and nervousness doesn't stand for, you won't put up a great organization. How you respond to those questions, now has little prognostic power regarding what you'll in point of fact do when you get caught up in a great suggestion.
In truth, is that no one really knows if he who is a technopreneur until he becomes one and experience in this field or sometimes not even then. There, in actuality is only one question you should ask yourself before starting any new venture and that is in to make meaning in your company. Certainly, the Meaning I am talking about is not about money, power, or prestige. It is not even on the subject of creating a fun place to work and be satisfied. In the middle of the meanings of "meaning" are to make the world a better place, increase the quality of life, right a terrible wrong, consider all other people and prevent the end of something good.
And also he tackled concerning goals in the company such as these are a remarkable benefit as the company takes a trip down to the easier said than done path ahead. If the company answers this question in the negative way, the company may still be successful, but it will be harder to become so for the reason that making meaning is the most powerful motivator there is and a must have. It was studied by Guy for twenty years to come to this understanding. In 1983, when Guy started in the Macintosh Division of Apple Computer, beating IBM was their reason for existence and driving force. They wanted to send IBM back to the typewriter industry holding its Selectric typewriter balls. In 1987, their reason for way of life became beating Windows and Microsoft. They wanted to defeat Microsoft and force Bill Gates to get a job flipping fish at the Pike Place Market. While 2004, he was a managing director in an early stage venture capital firm called Garage Technology Ventures. He wanted to facilitate people to create great products, build great companies, and change the world.
Another of his rules of thumb: "niche thyself." You want to sell those products for which there is a very high value to the customer and for which you have an ability to provide a unique product or service. An example of a product with low value to the customer and which is not unique? The dot-com (or dot-bomb) companies such as the many pet food sellers (the problem being "dog food weighs a lot!"), he said. Another key point is to listen to your customers, even if they don't behave the way you'd expect. For example, the maker of Brillo pads started out selling pots and pans to housewives, and offered the free brillo pad as a free bonus. He later found there was stronger demand for the pads than the pans, and voila, a successful brand was born. "People buying your products are not, many times, your anticipated customers," said Guy.
Aside from Kawasaki’s objective for his readers to make meaning, his goal in this book is for an entrepreneur with a great idea to take this advice and get started. If the title of the book wasn’t evidence enough, Kawasaki advocates starting as the first and most critical step. Too much time is wasted setting up, and not doing, so this book is the catalyst that will cause technopreneurs who are stuck on the starting line to as a final point enter the race.
The causation of great organizations is the longing to make meaning. Having that longing does not promise that you will be successful, but it does denote that if you fail, at least you failed doing something meaningful. I close your eyes and think about how I could serve my clients and customers. What type of meaning do we see in our organization making? For the most part people refer to this as the question or a mission statement of an organization. Crafting a mission statement is more often than not one of the first steps technopreneurs embark on. Sorry to say, this progression is as a rule a sore and frustrating occurrence that results in incomparable weakness. This is a just about to be anticipated when a large number of people are commissioned to craft something designed to make an even larger number of people like employees, shareholders, customers, clients and partners be happy. The original fault of the largest part of mission statements is that everyone expects them to be pretentious and all-encompassing. The result is a lengthy, boring, commonplace, and pointless shaggy dog story. In The Mission Statement Book, Jeffrey Abrams provides more than 300 examples of mission statements that lay bare that companies are all writing the same middle-of-the-road stuff.
What a grand thing to have a tune, in how a lot of mission statements call to mind such power and emotion. The beauty of a having a tune is that everybody will expect it to be undersized and yet sweet. You may never have to write your tune down, make public it in your yearly report, or print it on posters. Without a doubt, if you do have to "enforce" your tune in these customs, it is not the right tune that we have. Kawasaki wrote in a down to earth tone, with an position of “let’s stop thinking about the foolishness and talk about what actually works.” Kawasaki describes his own writing style as cutting through the theories, and getting down to authentic world tactics. The information is portrayed as though it is coming from a friend who wishes to see you get the better of the world. Contrast that to a multitude of “how-to” guides written with business lingo from a clever person who’s talking down to you. For all intents and purposes what Guy is trying to get from corner to corner is that to start something and stay dedicated to what on earth you are starting it must mean something, in particular it must having meaning to the betterment of the world. Your dedication should not come from money, or squashing the competition, it should come from making the world a better place and if you strive to do that you will have a meaning to keep you focused. Every start-up business should establish their position in the market. This position is self assumed, motivated by the same “meaning” from number 1 of the art of starting. Your position should clearly state the following: why the founders started the organization, why customers should support it, and why good people should work at it. The chapter is broken down into eight key points and steps to be taken for establishing your company’s position amongst the rivalry and communicating your position to the market.
Compare the Starbucks tune, which is "Rewarding everyday moments," to the company's mission statement, "Establish Starbucks as the premier purveyor of the finest coffee in the world while maintaining our uncompromising principles while we grow." So they choose the most memorable. Imagine that someone asks your parents or your organization's receptionist what you do. Can it get any better than a three-word tune such as "Authentic athletic performance"?
A final thought on making tunes in the company: Do not perplex tunes and tag lines. Make your tune for your employees; it is a principle for what they do in their jobs and most of all in your own job. A tag line is for your customers and it is a principle for how to use your product or service. For example, Nike's tune is "Authentic athletic performance." Its tag line is "Just do it."
On a pure meaning v. money debate, I personally choose meaning, with qualifications--the money must be of a certain level to enable meaning to win the prize. But this will always be a question of nuance more than absolutes--overpay someone wildly and they will probably make the "mistake" of choosing too much dough. Yes, meaning is the impetus, but money only becomes an issue after the employee has entrusted the company to continue delivering meaning. If that trust is rebuffed or broken, then no amount of money will resolve the issue. This is what the insight discovery process is all about – actively engaging with customers in an ongoing, intimate dialogue over months and years through private insight communities, so they let you into their lives and mindset – the insights, big and small, will blow you away.
Guy added two important things to be consider in the said field first is the Milestones: these are the goals that must be achieved on your road to achievement. aim dates should be set for the conclusion of these milestones and not a success to do so could doom the company. And second is Assumptions: this is a comprehensive list of major assumptions you should make about the business. These should be continuously tracked and each should be linked to a milestone so as you reach a milestone you can test an assumption. Tasks: another comprehensive list that is composed of the tasks required to design, manufacture, sell, ship, and support you product or service. These are not as crucial as the milestones, but help you understand the totality of what your company has to accomplish.
After he wrapped up his speech, Guy introduced demos of two products his company is funding: one, MyCollectibles, is a way for people to showcase their collections and also intergrate their auctions (Bill Cobb mentioned it later that day as a new eBay feature at the Keynote address). It's made by a company called Kaboodle.
Fortune favors the bold, so I will try to excerpt from the giver of some advice that will make life easy for us, and yet postpone writing the mission statement. We can come up with it in a while when we are flourishing and have lots of time and money to waste. And if we are not successful, it will not matter that we did not build up one. Instead of a mission statement and all the bags that comes with it, craft a tune for your organization. The definition of tune is meaning… so make meaning. Then again Guy Kawasaki made the emphasis that If you’re into personal branding with the goal of making money, stop now. You will attract the wrong kind of people into your life. Instead, start with the goal of making meaning. What better way to align all your actions with your long-term goals. What kind of meaning will you make? Kawasaki suggests two ideas for inspiration: 1) right a wrong, or 2) prevent the end of something good. What will you do to make the world a better place?

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Serendipity Walk, Getting ideas

Sir Randy Gamboa let us do a providence walk, and then we will make an idea through the things in the surroundings. This time we will planned a business scheme in our walk experienced in life. And as I walk as my providence walk an idea for my technopreneurship business came to my mind. After all¸ I already experienced in article industry, why not improved it so that it will be more productive though this would be challenging to me as a technoprenuer and as the same time as an IT individual because it will make up to my challenges as a beginner that will try to accomplish the maximum possibility for my career. It conceived into my mind after doing the serendipity walk and also I relate it to the movie entitled Pirate of the Silicon Valley that I could also reach what Steve Jobs and Bill Gates did accomplish in this world and as their career now by doing what is best but I will try my best to do it in the right approach contrasting to what they have done. And also I’d noticed in the movie that as part of being a technoprenuer I should also test out my attitude every now and then whether it will become positive to me as well as to others and as I contemplate for the possibilities that may occur in this life as a technoprenuer, based on the life of Steve Jobs, his attitude and dishonest character pulled him down and gave setbacks in his career.
And I also learned that to be a successful technoprenuer I should value my friends or even if I have my employees I should put up a good and strong relationship, appreciating them in every donation that they shared for the edification of the business or the company I have, particularly with the one that I in a straight line working with in each instance. On the other hand, I was extremely inspired by the strong point of mind and firmness of Steve Jobs as well as with Bill Gates so if I will do my own business then I should the strong qualities of that as of the two, and also I would like to give emphasis to that Bill Gates has the more will than Steve Jobs because his Microsoft is remote smaller than Apple and also Bill Gates suited his office in the midst of Albuquerque which is that time was very out of favor area for any business or establishing any office while Steve Jobs’ company towered in the city and Steve Jobs’ Apple Company is far richer and have the complete facility than of Bill Gates. But Bill Gates showed strong will to compete and even intruding the company of Steve Jobs. And because of that Bill Gates exceed Steve Jobs and even gaining shares in the Apple Company. And it impacted me to have the will also in every effort that I will make in the world of technoprenuership and to my own business.
Nevertheless, Steve Jobs is triumphant in the field of technoprenuer but he is not the most like other technopreneur such that of Bill Gates and other technoprenuer that rocks the world. Additionally, to be a technoprenuer I have to be attentive in the world of market, I should look into the latest trend and technology. The fact that our technology is in speedy track that even every day there are new release in the market. Then I have to be decisive in all my choice, in relation to my field of concentration like Steve Jobs I have to love what I am doing. I have to compete for the best and never stop excelling in my fields. I have to be strong to face the challenges that will emerge in the world of technoprenuership. And also I have to note that there are more than a small number of technoprenuer out there that will face up to more than me but I will not be affected by them instead I have to focus on the place I am standing and see if I could make further innovation to upgrade my product and services. As a technoprenuer I will not stop in learning from others in particular in all my failures that will try to bring me down. So as I walked, I need to consider these things so that I could be successful someday. But as for me, having confidence in God in each step that I will craft may seems to far from the subject matter but surely if Steve Jobs stick on in the principle of God it will held a unlike story. In fact, what Steve Jobs had done for Pixar, the piracy of other’s work is not a crime to think over it is being wise and those people that Steve Jobs took advantage with would be thankful and even we because without the effort and accomplishments of Steve Jobs we are still naive about technology. Therefore in all decision I will make and each move about I will win, I will make it sure that it is mentioned in my entreaty to God.
Before I go to my business idea, there is no wrong in grabbing every opportunity. But if that chance will pose any destruction to any person then it is to be considered accordingly. Because there are opportunities that instead of benefiting you it will turn to be sure pit fall. Almost of the people of the world believes in luck, luck in business, luck in life, luck in relationship, and etc. but in my case who don’t believe on luck, will be considering my technoprenuership career to be sure and there is a goal to be hit. Whether I hit the bulls eye or not, it is not because I’m out of luck but because there things that needs to be dealt with for the sake of my operation in being successful. I have nothing to blame in every failures but myself so that I would be learning more and rectify the past mishap that I had done. And I have to bear in mind that I’m the one that will be orchestrating my profession and I have to be professional enough to handle it.
Here are my business ideas and if I will be given the chance to implement my own business then I will prefer to have it in article business or studio. Where I will investigate good writers here in the Philippines or other low paying wages countries like Indonesia to write for me or get together important and constructive documents where they can derive an article from it. At present millions of webmasters are looking to hire writers to help them out by creating content for their website, or for creating articles for promoting their website and writing articles is one of the definite ways to earn cash from the internet. In fact this is much easier and quicker way to earn online.. And at the same time I will build a team that will outsource their skills, like web development, graphic designing, animation and many other.

Earning money by writing articles is receiving more and more popular business around the globe. If a person is good at English and grammar intelligence, he/she can do article writing in a professional manner and earn a bundle of money. Or I could hire excellent writers to write for me and I know that many Filipino are good in writing. But that's not the only way to earn money by article writing. Based on my study, article writing a booming business nowadays, where the articles written are published on their sites or other publishing site for SEO, Marketing, Advertisement purposes there are good site in the web where I could publish my article for marketing purposes where I could take potential costumer where I could also build a business in many companies that desires traffic to their own site. There are publishing sites that will be free submission and there are sites that will pay you. Article directory like ezine or eHow will be best to submit your articles. This thing will build up your reputation as an article producer. Nevertheless, it is my plan to manage a blog or blogs. Where many surfing people will come and might want to get information, ideas, tips or thoughts from the blog and earn royalty of some extra cash from advertising revenue. And also I encountered sites that will pay you to review a product through article writing and it would array up to $5 per article. In this rate I could hire skillful writers and pay them $3 per article where I could sell their work within $4 to $5. In the part of the qualification, the writer has a good English knowledge and grammar can make the business going on and earning. I will also exploit all possible freelancing sites where I can find lots of jobs available for article writers where my business can take a hold of good clients. In addition, I noticed that many companies around the globe that are looking for writers to write for them and they will pay interesting deal to the writers and in this way I could exploit that opportunity. I will also target publishing magazine where they outsource their writing and designing jobs. I will also make a mini – booth in every school where I will invite students to sell their works in softcopies like their thesis, poems, assignment, presentations, reports and any related in writing projects, I will buy their copyright of the materials and after all when they are finish of those assignments, projects they just throw them away, in this business they can also benefit but mostly I will be more benefited by their works. Their works will be published in the internet in the form of blog or webpage content where I could harvest dollars. I will also consider buying their notes or notebooks where I could resell it to the market of interested students.

As the start of my business I will be looking for article writers, content developers, and the like for my article writing business those people must be interested to write articles in different topics. But I will also sure that before I hire a writer there is a client to write on which very easy to acquire because of the demand of this kind of business. As of now there are over 182 million websites. There are around one and a half billion internet users. I can see most of those sites need regular fresh content, and visitors demanding the same. This scenario is enough to succor my article writing business. To explain further, all of those sites need promoting and good contents or article and of course it should be fresh because without promotions, new content and fresher article they will not likely to get many visitors. In view, website promotion alone involves things like articles, ads, sales-pages, ebooks, viral reports, and blog posts the like. This would be my breeding ground for my business. I will also put qualification for those who wants to be involved in my article writing business these would be anybody with excellent English skills can apply for this position those who are willing to consider deadlines because I observed that most clients demanded these status. Of course my fellow Filipino writers will be prioritize and then writers around the globe where they can work online which I can see risk because I can’t monitor their activity, those jeopardizes my article writing business. There are no requirements on the basic educational qualifications of people applying for this position as long as they can construct and be coherent in writing articles. I will also set skill like excellent written English skills, ability to write entertaining articles, interest in writing articles, interest in researching about topics, ability to compile information from different sources, ability to search online efficiently and effectively. And skills in manipulating articles for SEO purposes will be a plus for writers. Of course those writers will be paid accordingly; generally, I will be paying at a flat rate of 3 US Dollars per article of at least 500 words. They can earn anywhere between 900 to 2000 US dollar per month if they can successfully create content that is worth reading and delivers accordingly with our satisfied clients. Border line cases will be considered depending on the merit of the article.

After all, as I experienced more the world of Information Technology I know that I can and will have more ideas on the things that would give me ideas to establish my own business in the future in the world of Technoprenuership.

Create Technoprenuership Idea

Sir Randy Gamboa let us do a providence walk, and then we will make an idea through the things in the surroundings. This time we will planned a business scheme in our walk experienced in life. And as I walk as my providence walk an idea for my technopreneurship business came to my mind. After all¸ I already experienced in article industry, why not improved it so that it will be more productive though this would be challenging to me as a technoprenuer and as the same time as an IT individual because it will make up to my challenges as a beginner that will try to accomplish the maximum possibility for my career. It conceived into my mind after doing the serendipity walk and also I relate it to the movie entitled Pirate of the Silicon Valley that I could also reach what Steve Jobs and Bill Gates did accomplish in this world and as their career now by doing what is best but I will try my best to do it in the right approach contrasting to what they have done. And also I’d noticed in the movie that as part of being a technoprenuer I should also test out my attitude every now and then whether it will become positive to me as well as to others and as I contemplate for the possibilities that may occur in this life as a technoprenuer, based on the life of Steve Jobs, his attitude and dishonest character pulled him down and gave setbacks in his career.

And I also learned that to be a successful technoprenuer I should value my friends or even if I have my employees I should put up a good and strong relationship, appreciating them in every donation that they shared for the edification of the business or the company I have, particularly with the one that I in a straight line working with in each instance. On the other hand, I was extremely inspired by the strong point of mind and firmness of Steve Jobs as well as with Bill Gates so if I will do my own business then I should the strong qualities of that as of the two, and also I would like to give emphasis to that Bill Gates has the more will than Steve Jobs because his Microsoft is remote smaller than Apple and also Bill Gates suited his office in the midst of Albuquerque which is that time was very out of favor area for any business or establishing any office while Steve Jobs’ company towered in the city and Steve Jobs’ Apple Company is far richer and have the complete facility than of Bill Gates. But Bill Gates showed strong will to compete and even intruding the company of Steve Jobs. And because of that Bill Gates exceed Steve Jobs and even gaining shares in the Apple Company. And it impacted me to have the will also in every effort that I will make in the world of technoprenuership and to my own business.

Nevertheless, Steve Jobs is triumphant in the field of technoprenuer but he is not the most like other technopreneur such that of Bill Gates and other technoprenuer that rocks the world. Additionally, to be a technoprenuer I have to be attentive in the world of market, I should look into the latest trend and technology. The fact that our technology is in speedy track that even every day there are new release in the market. Then I have to be decisive in all my choice, in relation to my field of concentration like Steve Jobs I have to love what I am doing. I have to compete for the best and never stop excelling in my fields. I have to be strong to face the challenges that will emerge in the world of technoprenuership. And also I have to note that there are more than a small number of technoprenuer out there that will face up to more than me but I will not be affected by them instead I have to focus on the place I am standing and see if I could make further innovation to upgrade my product and services. As a technoprenuer I will not stop in learning from others in particular in all my failures that will try to bring me down. So as I walked, I need to consider these things so that I could be successful someday. But as for me, having confidence in God in each step that I will craft may seems to far from the subject matter but surely if Steve Jobs stick on in the principle of God it will held a unlike story. In fact, what Steve Jobs had done for Pixar, the piracy of other’s work is not a crime to think over it is being wise and those people that Steve Jobs took advantage with would be thankful and even we because without the effort and accomplishments of Steve Jobs we are still naive about technology. Therefore in all decision I will make and each move about I will win, I will make it sure that it is mentioned in my entreaty to God.

Before I go to my business idea, there is no wrong in grabbing every opportunity. But if that chance will pose any destruction to any person then it is to be considered accordingly. Because there are opportunities that instead of benefiting you it will turn to be sure pit fall. Almost of the people of the world believes in luck, luck in business, luck in life, luck in relationship, and etc. but in my case who don’t believe on luck, will be considering my technoprenuership career to be sure and there is a goal to be hit. Whether I hit the bulls eye or not, it is not because I’m out of luck but because there things that needs to be dealt with for the sake of my operation in being successful. I have nothing to blame in every failures but myself so that I would be learning more and rectify the past mishap that I had done. And I have to bear in mind that I’m the one that will be orchestrating my profession and I have to be professional enough to handle it.
Here are my business ideas and if I will be given the chance to implement my own business then I will prefer to have it in article business or studio. Where I will investigate good writers here in the Philippines or other low paying wages countries like Indonesia to write for me or get together important and constructive documents where they can derive an article from it. At present millions of webmasters are looking to hire writers to help them out by creating content for their website, or for creating articles for promoting their website and writing articles is one of the definite ways to earn cash from the internet. In fact this is much easier and quicker way to earn online.. And at the same time I will build a team that will outsource their skills, like web development, graphic designing, animation and many other.

Earning money by writing articles is receiving more and more popular business around the globe. If a person is good at English and grammar intelligence, he/she can do article writing in a professional manner and earn a bundle of money. Or I could hire excellent writers to write for me and I know that many Filipino are good in writing. But that's not the only way to earn money by article writing. Based on my study, article writing a booming business nowadays, where the articles written are published on their sites or other publishing site for SEO, Marketing, Advertisement purposes there are good site in the web where I could publish my article for marketing purposes where I could take potential costumer where I could also build a business in many companies that desires traffic to their own site. There are publishing sites that will be free submission and there are sites that will pay you. Article directory like ezine or eHow will be best to submit your articles. This thing will build up your reputation as an article producer. Nevertheless, it is my plan to manage a blog or blogs. Where many surfing people will come and might want to get information, ideas, tips or thoughts from the blog and earn royalty of some extra cash from advertising revenue. And also I encountered sites that will pay you to review a product through article writing and it would array up to $5 per article. In this rate I could hire skillful writers and pay them $3 per article where I could sell their work within $4 to $5. In the part of the qualification, the writer has a good English knowledge and grammar can make the business going on and earning. I will also exploit all possible freelancing sites where I can find lots of jobs available for article writers where my business can take a hold of good clients. In addition, I noticed that many companies around the globe that are looking for writers to write for them and they will pay interesting deal to the writers and in this way I could exploit that opportunity. I will also target publishing magazine where they outsource their writing and designing jobs. I will also make a mini – booth in every school where I will invite students to sell their works in softcopies like their thesis, poems, assignment, presentations, reports and any related in writing projects, I will buy their copyright of the materials and after all when they are finish of those assignments, projects they just throw them away, in this business they can also benefit but mostly I will be more benefited by their works. Their works will be published in the internet in the form of blog or webpage content where I could harvest dollars. I will also consider buying their notes or notebooks where I could resell it to the market of interested students.

As the start of my business I will be looking for article writers, content developers, and the like for my article writing business those people must be interested to write articles in different topics. But I will also sure that before I hire a writer there is a client to write on which very easy to acquire because of the demand of this kind of business. As of now there are over 182 million websites. There are around one and a half billion internet users. I can see most of those sites need regular fresh content, and visitors demanding the same. This scenario is enough to succor my article writing business. To explain further, all of those sites need promoting and good contents or article and of course it should be fresh because without promotions, new content and fresher article they will not likely to get many visitors. In view, website promotion alone involves things like articles, ads, sales-pages, ebooks, viral reports, and blog posts the like. This would be my breeding ground for my business. I will also put qualification for those who wants to be involved in my article writing business these would be anybody with excellent English skills can apply for this position those who are willing to consider deadlines because I observed that most clients demanded these status. Of course my fellow Filipino writers will be prioritize and then writers around the globe where they can work online which I can see risk because I can’t monitor their activity, those jeopardizes my article writing business. There are no requirements on the basic educational qualifications of people applying for this position as long as they can construct and be coherent in writing articles. I will also set skill like excellent written English skills, ability to write entertaining articles, interest in writing articles, interest in researching about topics, ability to compile information from different sources, ability to search online efficiently and effectively. And skills in manipulating articles for SEO purposes will be a plus for writers. Of course those writers will be paid accordingly; generally, I will be paying at a flat rate of 3 US Dollars per article of at least 500 words. They can earn anywhere between 900 to 2000 US dollar per month if they can successfully create content that is worth reading and delivers accordingly with our satisfied clients. Border line cases will be considered depending on the merit of the article.

After all, as I experienced more the world of Information Technology I know that I can and will have more ideas on the things that would give me ideas to establish my own business in the future in the world of Technoprenuership.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My reflection on my learnings in Techno 1

First, in the last semester of learning and defining Techno guy, I learned that Techno guy is a kind of business utilizing technology as the prime agent in the business.
In Techno guy 1, I learned about the qualities and attitude that a techno guy should possess so that an individual who will venture the field of Techno guy will be successful in his/her endeavor in the engaged business. Generally, we learned about Adversary Quotient, Emotional Quotient, and Intelligent quotient. Even we studied the life of Steve Jobs which we did reflect ourselves as a Techno guy. And at the end of the past semester we had proposed a business proposal in techno guy.
Adversary quotient answers for the question “How much control do you perceive you have?” if you have higher AQ, you can control and manipulate the undesirable situation. And if you have a lower AQ, then you cannot control the situation. it answers for the question “To what extent do you hold yourself responsible for improving this situation?” It measures how you are responsible of what you are doing. Higher AQ can cope up with it and has a lower AQ they feels helpless and there is no other path to solve his/her problem. it answers for the question “To what extent does the adversity extend beyond the situation at hand?” It keeps your atmosphere cold when you have an argument to the other person. it answers the question” How long will the adversity endure?” It identify the patience of a person of how long will he suffer in a problem or a situation. This is only a background of what Adversity Quotient is. And now here is the result of my Adversity Quotient Test. I take from the internet in order for me to know the other sides of my Adversity Quotient. I was take this exam last Thursday and the result of my control is 20, my ownership is 21 which got the highest points, my reach is 17 and my endurance is the same in my reach which is 17 also. The instruction is add the sum of the control, the ownership, the reach and the endurance. And then multiply it by two. I added it all and I have got 75 multiply by 2 and my Adversity Quotient is 150. Weeeh! I am happy that I reach the average score which is 147.5. Lowest rate is 17 this means that in the reach side, I must increase more my patience and controlling my anger. And in my endurance side which is the lowest also, I will increase my fortitude in times whenever I have very hard or almost depressing problems. I also had researched about how to enhance Adversary Quotient, a techno guy must listen to his/her response to adversity, a techno guy must explore all origins and his/her ownership responses. a techno guy must analyze the evidence. And a techno guy must do something not just think.
Emotional Quotient, what’s with emotional quotient? Why do I have to know about these things? Why do I need to know about my personal traits, so many questions and I guess I must answer some of those. First I will answer why do I have to know my emotional quotient? I knew that emotional quotient is on how you interact with other people as a technopreneur we should know how and what the best path to entertain them or how to interact well or even properly. When I took the Emotional Quotient exam of Sir Gamboa I knew that it is not good to alpaths think about the money in order for the company to grow we also need to know the things that can help the growth of the company because upon entertaining and socializing with other people you got to know what they need and what they want as an technopreneur you can make some sort of technologies to be improved that can be sold to the public that you know it can help you at the same time help the people around you. A technopreneur should also know that its not alpaths about “I” but rather “US”. Anyone could say that Emotional Quotient is a requirement for the proper growth or expansion our cerebral capacity. When we talk about positive emotions and the tendency to seek out stimulation and the company of others is extraversion. The trait is marked by pronounced engagement with the external world. Extraverts enjoy being with people, and are often apparent as full of energy. Seek model and enjoy the company of other people. Be compassionate and cooperative rather than doubtful and violent towards others is called agreeableness. The trait reflects individual differences in general concern for social harmony. Agreeable to individual’s value getting along with others. They are generally considerate, friendly, generous, helpful, and willing to compromise their interests with others. Agreeable people also have an optimistic view of human nature. They believe people are basically honest, decent, and trustworthy. Relating to business we need this kind of behavior. Relating to us as the employer of the company we must know the characteristic of our employee if he/she is an honest or trustworthy person. We can trust them especially in their obligations as an employee to our company. Based on the test that we’ve taken it has many ideas that we can contribute if we will become entrepreneur or technopreneur someday. Like how to be a good entrepreneur, but me as an IT student I’ll choose being a technopreneur. Techno guy means entrepreneurship in the field of technology. It is the key to earn money through technology. And it also not easy, because in this kind of industry or business we can’t alpaths assure to our self and business that we alpaths on the top and alpaths the best because there are also other people who are hungry for success in this kind of industry. Because as what I’ve observed today, there are many technopreneur succeed. And I want to become them also someday. There are good situation in the test that we can apply someday. Like how to earn more money, how to manage our own business, to handle employees and many more to become a successful entrepreneur. But being an entrepreneur it is not easy because there are times that we may fail especially in making decisions. Sometimes there are problems that we encounter. But we must not surrender; we must strive to all the problems and make solution of it. We should alpaths think positive and make decisions that can make good to our business.
Intelligence Quotient is derived from one of several different standardized tests designed to assess intelligence. This test is used by the schools for entrance examination for the upcoming students. Like here in our school, they use IQ test as I observed and tested. When I took again the exam in the internet, unfortunately I was not able to have a high score and sorry to say it was only an average. I will not mention what my score is but it is just an average. And I learned about the 5 simple path in how to increase the IQ this by 5 Simple Paths to Increase Your Intelligence, first is to minimize the Television Watching- The problem is watching television doesn’t use your mental capacity OR allow it to recharge. It’s like having the energy sapped out of a muscle without the health benefits of exercise. Second is to exercise, I used to think that I’d learn more by not exercising and using the time to read a book instead. But I realized that time spent exercising alpaths leads to greater learning because it improves productivity during the time afterwards. Using your body clears your head and creates a wave of energy. Afterwards, you feel invigorated and can concentrate more easily. The third is to read challenging books, many people like to read popular suspense fiction, but generally these books aren’t mentally stimulating. If you want to improve your thinking and writing ability you should read books that make you focus. Fourth is to be early to go to bed, so that we can wake up earlier, nothing makes it harder to concentrate than sleep deprivation. You’ll be most rejuvenated if you go to bed early and don’t sleep more than 8 hours. If you stay up late and compensate by sleeping late, you’ll wake up lethargic and have trouble focusing. Lastly, take time to reflect on the situation, often our lives get so hectic that we become overwhelmed without even realizing it. It becomes difficult to concentrate because nagging thoughts keep interrupting. Spending some time alone in reflection gives you a chance organize your thoughts and prioritize your responsibilities. Afterwards, you’ll have a better understanding of what’s important and what isn’t. The unimportant stuff won’t bother you anymore and your mind will feel less encumbered.
The life of Steve Job I reflected apply to me as a techno guy because it will constitute to my challenges as a beginner that will try to achieve the highest possibility for me. It came to my mind after watching the movie entitled Pirate of the Silicon Valley that I could also achieve what Steve Jobs and Bill Gates did achieve in the world of techno guy by doing what is best but I will try my best to do it in the right path unlike to what they have done. I was very inspired by the determination and perseverance of Steve Jobs as well as with Bill Gates, and also I would like to emphasize that Bill Gates has the more will than Steve Jobs because his Microsoft is far smaller than Apple I and also Bill Gates suited his office in the midst of Albuquerque which is that time was very unpopular area for any business or establishing any office while Steve Jobs’ company towered in the city and Steve Jobs’ Apple Company is far richer and have the complete facility than of Bill Gates. But Bill Gates showed strong will to compete and even intruding the company of Steve Jobs. As for me, having faith in God in every step that I will make may seems to far from the topic but surely if Steve Jobs adhere in the principle of God it will held a different story. Actually, what Steve Jobs had done for pixar, the piracy of other’s work is not a crime to ponder it is being wise and those people that Steve Jobs took advantage with would be thankful and even we because without the effort and endeavors of Steve Jobs we are still ignorant about technology. So in every decision I will make and every move I will take, I will make it sure that it is mentioned in my prayer to God. And I’d like to adopt the formula of Steve Jobs in a path that I would revise it into a better scale and also that would suite skills and needs. It may sound pirating from Steve Jobs but not the case, because there is nothing wrong to get ideas if it will apply to you. The reason for Steve Jobs’ ideas would be the fact of everyone is unique and also I have to consider the environment that I am going to establish my own goals. It is a matter that maybe Steve Jobs’ formula in being a successful techno guy will only work for him and not to other techno guy.
Lastly, after I watched the movie entitled Pirates of the Silicon Valley it enlighten me about almost everything pertaining about techno guy, it is fair to said that I feel this inner urge of vying the possibilities that a techno guy holds in his hand and also the excitement and thrill lingers in me because if Steve Jobs and Bill Gates are one of the successful techno guy in the world and made them successful in terms of earning money and lots of money, and so that would be possible to me also because I am a techno guy and I also believe that no techno guy would be less successful if he or she apply the fundamentals and right attitude as a techno guy, so more or less I could foresee that being a successful techno guy would mean a better future but in my case I would not distract me in focusing about the riches that I could have but proving to me that I could also be able to achieve my goals in life whether be as a techno guy or as a individual and of course it would be the grace of God that will bring me to my highest peak of success.